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JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® - Non-invasive filler for Lip Augmentation.

You have been looking for a natural-looking and feeling lip filler to enhance the fullness of your lips and reduce lines around the mouth, look no further!

Your questions have finally been answered! We are proud to be introducing JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® - it is the latest FDA-approved injectable added to the Juvéderm family of dermal fillers. This non-surgical lip augmentation treatment is designed to plump the lips and minimize the appearance of fine lines around the mouth, also known as perioral rhytids or perioral lines. Perioral lines were previously difficult to treat, so we are excited about this new treatment option for our patients.

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JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® is a dermal filler used to define lips and for the correction of fine wrinkles around the lips. This temporary filler is made of Hyaluronic Acid and does not require a skin test before your injections. The smaller Hylauronic Acid particle size in JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® allows your cosmetic injector to treat fine lines without getting a full look in these delicate areas.

JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® is the perfect product to choose for small fine lines and subtle enhancement of the lips. The smaller particle size allows for the correction of these fine areas without the worry that your lips will get bulky or too puffy.

There is a trend these days to have overfilled lips. We prides ourselves on making sure your lips look natural and proportionate to you facial structure. We know JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® is one of the best choices on the market for lip augmentation. Call today to learn more!

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Concierge Mobile Practitioner

The treatments can be done in the relaxation of your own home or office, providing a comfortable, intimate environment for you and your friends, making facial rejuvenation treatments more convenient today than ever. Private Parties also Available. An advanced practice nurse practitioner travels to homes to perform a pre-treatment consultation and discuss your goals and treatment options. During day, evening, and weekend appointments are available.

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